Our Partners
At RAiN, we collaborate with a number of academic institutions, healthcare services, rare disease organisations, and patient advocacy organisations to share knowledge and expertise in rare diseases across the island of Ireland.
University College Dublin
Queen's University Belfast
RENGENPECT: Renal, Genetic, Proteomic, Epigenetic, Clinical, and Transcriptomic Data
Health Research Charities Ireland
22q11 Ireland
Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership
Rare Ireland
Rare Diseases Ireland
PKU Association of Ireland
Children's Health Ireland
IPPOSI – The Irish Platform for Patient Organisations, Science and Industry
Irish Research Council
Vasculitis Ireland Awareness
22q11 Northern Ireland
Muscular Dystrophy UK
RARDTAC: Raising Awareness of Rare Diseases Throughout All Communities
RAinDRoP: Rare Disease Research Partnership
Northern Ireland Kidney Research Fund (NIKRF)
Children's Heartbeat Trust
Cystinosis Ireland
Cystic Fibrosis Ireland
Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke
Health Service Executive
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
Dublin City University
Dundalk Institute of Technology
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Munster Technological University
UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Family Carers Ireland
Rare Disease Clinical Trial Network